Wednesday, December 3, 2008

Requested By Jeremy

He wanted to know, wats that McD doing....

It begins where i and john were new in the server. No one help us and no one care about us. That's fine with us, cause we are independent. As the server still new, there is only few players around there, roughly 3~4. GM met us, and chat with us, and i promise to bring Interceptors to there. Also, i found out the server doesnt have any female players or should i said the population of that RO server never see a female RO player.

Interceptors base were build with time, energy and sweat. When the base were half-complete, we invited the whole Interceptors to join us, and the first two to respond were Sky and Rebecca. Well, because of rebby, the whole server including GM [except our guild] became Hamsap Fellas, and GM is crown-ed as Hamsap King.

Because of that too, our guild finally been noticed [sigh], and the so-call veteran player [consists of Dark Creature Guild (Lan Ci Guild) and McD (innocent guild to be at first sight)]of that server donate few EQs as well as cash toward us [99% were rubbish] and they only HELP rebby in leveling. Day and night, min by min, Rebby get annoyed by them who trying to seek attention from her. However this case solved, when the Interceptors guild gave them a warning.

Results of that warning, DC and McD guild felt uneasy aka tarak syok with our guild.

A week after, the GM announce, WOE is available now. The DC guild with thier ambition of conquer-ing the world of JustRO began to conquer the castles. Thier rival was McD guild. Yeap, the romance of three guilds, DC VS McD, while Interceptors remain neutral atm. Of the neutral position we had, McD guild request, should the two guild ally to against DC, while DC were too proud to ask our help.

Our guildmember at that hour, voted, majority against the alliance as we sense some sort of "stupid" trading or should i said, we dont get any benefit from the alliance. However, our guild provide several supplies and information including the secret of Rosdniw Neryes build where it might assist McD guild in thier war to against DC.

Few days later, the DC guild lost thier guildleader as he got his ban due to botting and "not respect-ing the GM". The DC guild consider lost in the war,when Interceptors makes sudden appearance and take over the whole DC owned castles.

Now, McD feel unsecure and unhappy due to our guild strength where we able to conquer DC as well as taking down Ifrit [the strongest MVP atm]. Several information leak from McD guild and most of the information were about to against us.

Two days later, McD declare war on us, and they are going to use CopyCat Rosdniw Neryes to against us.

[For current report, it is kinda tension enviroment, just like COLD WAR, Interceptors Fraction or McD Fraction]

PJ Low

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