Monday, January 5, 2009

New Emblem Look

This is the majority voted emblem... Give us honest opinion about it so we can refine it. Remember, silence is not an option to improve it, cause this emblem is going to represent us, so of course all of us wans to be look nice right? So plse co-op with us with ur opinions ^^

Advance Thanks ,
PJ Low


amce said...

vectorize it XD

Ebenezar Wolf said...

k, will discuss it with natalie.. xD remember, we cant straight away process ur request due to our Miss Natalie has started her Form 5.. ^^ so plse give her time ^^

Anonymous said...

waaaa this one good... @.@

Ebenezar Wolf said...

Lol, thanks itun! We will still try to refine it ^^

Anonymous said...

Ah,finally I get to see what was that 'unknown' comments on it

Ebenezar Wolf said...

hmm, even we are trying to be original... to be honest, i still love our first emblem.. xD

Anonymous said...

'unknown' word? wat is it? i feel that red eye is better than blue.

Ebenezar Wolf said...

That is chinese word means Intercept.