This is just a simple flash game that u leveling ur avatar by fighting with others avatar. Not understand? A best example for this would be gladiator. Everyone knows about gladiator, and so... yea.. it is exactly the same. <- is the website
when u make ur own avatar, the EQ that ur avatar will equip are totaly random... for example.. u might get a pet, or u start with a spear... or u even start with nothing at all. For me, i started with a shield.. xD Beside that, u can set up a clan/guild but that if u r level 10. Oh, they also introduce a system call pupil. This pupil system works like this.... i joined the game, and im inviting u to join the game by becoming my pupil aka under my influence. Got the meaning? and if u wants to be my pupil... xD here's the website
Lets have fun.. xD im currently at level 3, and im trying my best to become level 10 to make our clan, Interceptors... xD
PJ Low
bukan wolf's wol--er--avatar lv2 meh?
oh, the original was lvl 3, with the name of Ebenezar.... it looks uncool, so i make new one, with the name Ebenezar Wolf... so it is just level 2.. xD
i also created :D
lol k
lol this game has an obvious glich, that even the top rank player also expoilt it lol.
Lol, well... it is just a simple flash game, wat do u expect? beside, im not asking to u guys to hardcore, just as something to fill in on ur bored hour... doesnt asking u to be hardcore like the top ranking, seriously i LOLed at him for being serious in flash game.
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