Thursday, October 22, 2009

Bonsai Kitten

In 2001, a group of enterprising MIT grad students put together a little Web site called Bonsai Kitten, which detailed how to grow a kitten in a jar for aesthetic purposes.The site included tips on how to insert a feeding tube and a waste removal tube, and where to drill air holes "prior to kitten insertion." It also included a gallery of pictures of "Bonsai Kittens" and a guest book filled with love (and hate) mail.The site was so realistic that it caused uproar among kitty enthusiasts and animal rights activists (including the Humane Society), and it eventually gained enough notoriety that the FBI investigated the site's authenticity (or lack thereof). But no kittens were actually harmed in the perpetration of this hoax.


law said...

memang fake punya... ahahah

Reid said...

the last word is important. "hoax"