So, this anime tells the story of a delinquent, Tomoya, who fall in love with Nagisa, a girl he met while he was on the way to school. And i dont wan tell more about this anime XD... it is bad to give out spoiler....
If u notice, the girls from Clannad are actually almost 99% the same with the Kanon and Air's girls, in term of hair style, attitude and the facial but just with different name. Perhaps, the Key's worker running out of idea on newer girl's facial and hair style..... XD
And yea, just like Kanon and Air, Clannad's anime are inspired from thier game/visual novel but dont get wrong, unlike Kanon and Air, this Clannad's visual novel doesnt contain any Hentai stuff on it, making it suitable for all-ages game.
The anime just around 22 episodes plus a movie that tells almost 89% of the visual novel/game. Beside that, this anime do have several manga title, Clannad Official Comic, Official Another Story Clannad: On the Hillside Path that Light Watches Over, Clannad: Tomoyo Dearest. Yeap, they even own a Light Novel and a H-game type [ 2nd Clannad game]. So, dont tell ur parents... that im recommending u a H-type game... XD [Notice the girl who in grey hair? She gonna be the main heroine on the H-game]
Personally, i giving 8/10 rating for this anime with the another two points are out since the hair-style and the stories almost 10% the same with the previous anime make from the same production company.
PJ Low
love the jokes in this anime..~ =)
lol.. so u watch it too...
nice anime PJ, i will look forward ^^
yeah, already finished watching it. n also air n kanon too.
The Tomoyo after story is really good.But in Tomoyo Dearest (Manga) Tomoya dies.
i looking for visual novel, but i get a lost to this blog... Last comment about 4 years ago eh? I watched this several month ago, never too late for watch good anime eh?
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