Monday, June 2, 2008

101st Post

Yep, the last post that was made by PJ is the 100th post, and this post being the 101st.

anywho, being on holiday for a week, sometimes makes it feel like i went away for a really long time. Not much chance to online. i'm currently in brunei airport now, waiting 5 long hours for my flight back to kk, then back to KL on the 7th.

lol, while being in kk, i cudn't really concentrate on playing WoW, it felt boring coz i have better things to do in kk, also that jonathan quit :( i'll probably go around looking for party to join or something. For those who do not play WoW, i'm sure u don really read the topics about WoW (maybe u do?), coz u have no clue what it is and pj made it formally written, lol.

i'd like u all to take some time and give ur thoughts about the overall recent blog posts, since the last few posts has only 1 comment or 2. just wondering if ur all busy and no time, or you don't really have much to say to give feedbacks.


Anonymous said...

More like the posts are too specific, thus may be non-relevant to others. I don't know how many are;
1) actually interested in Guess the music
2) still active in WoW
3) into animes
4) into contemporary world issues (Burma,China issues etc)
5) interested in youtube stuffs

Or maybe it's just that not many are checking for updates.

Interceptors said...
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Jeremy Koh said...

lol, so night, what of your interest? do u find some of the topics interesting?

Anonymous said...

gay porn nuff said =]

anyways DUDE man WOW is SO BORING too bugged mate.. cant up agi or nothing !! =(

Anonymous said...

1) I don't listen to the mainstream music, so i know nothing about what's going on there.

2) Haven't play WoW, but seems like ppl are already leaving it. I wonder what's happening & what u peeps did there. No raids? no quests? no arenas?

3) I am into animes, just that i got no comments to the posts made.

4) Not into contemporary world issues, don't give a damn wtf happened at all.

5) Youtube? Hell no, unless it's really good stuffs. It's friggin expensive.

Despite have 7 contributors, somehow i only noticed 2 names appearing most of the time. Really shouldn't just recruit ppl here & there without proper screening.

What are u ppl doing in WoW btw? As far as i remembered, our guild isn't there yet (can't get 10 kids?). And Fresh is the 3rd kid who got bored of WoW. That really made me wonder what's happening in there, no one's playing? I thought Nilos keeps on saying stuffs like more ppl are coming in or with 5k kids in that server, he don't think he can't invite any of them & make them loyal.

Interceptors said...

lol... the guild is already establish with 3 members, me, John and Jeremy.... for the tempo... this guild is not open to public, as we used it's guild storage to store our items... for the Turbo or watever member that is already quit... this is due to unfamiliar of entire new environment and the game concept... and one more thing... wats the loyal thingy? arent guild is for member to have fun and stay unite?

Anonymous said...

i left due to:

1.bored from hacking =] is bugged play is different
4.ragnarok seems home to me
5.i prefer ragnarok gatherings

Interceptors said...

lol.. for Nightshade... wat topic gonna categories as non-specific?

Anonymous said...

Could not find a suitable section so I written here, how to become a moderator for your forum, that need for this?