Tuesday, April 8, 2008

Anime To Talk 2

ah...ha.... yea yea... so here comes another 3 anime i watched during this week....

Bamboo Blade

oh..this one? it is all about swordgirl and a hopeless teacher aka instructer..... haha.. yeap... this anime is about Kendo... .another Japanese "sport" or .....ermm.... martial art? well basically, this is a comedy anime.. and some of the jokes really funny ^^ .... u can end up laughing non stop... XD

Yeap.. this 5 swordgirl..... oh yea.... this is not my concern... but then... try to lower down ur speaker volume a little when u r watching this anime..... i tell u.... thier warcry.... are loud... and sometimes annoying too... XD


haha.. this anime is about ghost and exorcism.... oh.. in case u thought it is christian style exorcism... u r wrong.... this is the japanese style exorcism.... ^^ .... consider rare anime? do so.... anyway.. this is the story of two sisters who had this super natural power... One can see the ghost.... while another one is easy to possessed..... haha... sounds idiot right? but well this anime... is highly recommend for those who wants to know more about the japanese ghost... XD ..oh..btw.... this anime.. have quite a good ending ^^ ... 5 star for the style of ending.... unique... unique.... another word.. unexpected..... so here''s Mokke OP

Hatenkou Yuugi

Now.... wat this anime about? oh.. u can c that... three of them.... one used Gun, another guy used sword... and that girl is magician..... so.. this anime.... actually i dont c any motive or theme in this anime..... since it is kinda "hang" aka tersangkut story line.... i guess... i had to wait for the 2nd season ... but well.. even it is 10 episode of anime.... without a clear theme... it is still nice to watch~ ... if to said.. it is kinda mature anime... dont get wrong meaning..... but well here's the explaination.. assume all the anime is childish... this can consider not so childish....... get it? haha.. well, cant say so much.... every hates spoiler ..right? so have fun.. watching this 3 animes ^^

PJ Low


amce said...
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amce said...

hatenkou yugi = 1 gunner + 1 swordie + 1 girl = zombie loan = lol

Anonymous said...

hatenkou yugi = 1 gunner + 1 swordie + 1 girl = zombie loan = lol